Walk-on Role
Best Unique Thing EVER!!!
Be on our stage in our musical for a bit. Here is your chance (and challenge).
Some shows have an opportunity for a "Walk-On Role" appearance:
Once, twice or even three times in scenes during the show you can:
be a cast member and be on stage at one LIVE performance.
wear the COOLEST costume and makeup.
see the entire show from the wings
have you name in the cast bios section of the program.
have bragging rights to your kids, family, colleagues, friends, neighbors or students (take selfies!). It's cool to be on stage with your kids!
break a leg if you ever wanted to be on stage (or be on stage AGAIN!).
You will appear as a cast member in one or several scenes. No lines and no singing (not a speaking role).
Suggested Donation $100.
Donation HERE).
You must be an LWHS teacher, parent, guardian or a former LWHS teacher or student alumni.