What is a Sponsor
Sponsors are business owners who advertise with us. Through their donations they become supporters of our educational theatre work, both socially and financially, while creating exposure for their business. Different levels of sponsorship are available that include different levels of benefits.
We rely on our sponsors to help support the outstanding productions of Lake Washington High School Theatre.
The costs for performance rights, sets, props, theatre training such as fight choreography, sets, props, and costumes must be paid for through ticket sales, donations and ad revenue. To continue our theatre program, the students rely on the support that they receive from community businesses, organizations, and parents.

Under the watchful eye of an accredited fight choreographer, our students learn to receive and dole out a thorough thrashing without getting hurt.

For more information or to make a donation,
please contact us at fundraising@theatre.lwhsboosters.org
We will follow up with you regarding any
additional benefits accompanying your sponsorship
Checks should be made out to “LWHS Theatre Boosters”
and mailed to:
Lake Washington High School
Theater Dept. - Morgan Heetbrink
12033 NE 80th Street, Kirkland, WA 98033
Questions? Email fundraising@theatre.lwhsboosters.org.