Important Links
From The Director
Please read Parent Cheat Sheet from our first Parent & Booster meeting. Performance dates and costume basics are included. Please sign into Parent Access and select “Pay Online Fees” to pay the Drama Performance Fee.
Morgan Heetbrink
Support the Show and Students
Sign up for volunteer slots on Sign Up Genius.
Promote ticket sales with social media, email family and friends “Save the Date”.
Sell program ads to family and friends who have businesses.
Donations: If you work for a company that matches employee donations, consider a generous donation to support the arts and LW Theatre! Make donation payable to the “Lake Washington High School Booster Club” include LW Theatre Booster Club on memo line of check and on the form when submitting the match with your company. The Theatre Booster Club belongs under the 501c3 umbrella of the larger LWHS Booster Club and they pass along 100% of your donation and company match to our Theatre Booster Club. Thanks for your support!
Volunteer Hours: Does your company match employee volunteer hours with cash? If so, please indicate the “Lake Washington High School Booster Club” include LW Theatre Booster Club on memo when submitting the match form with your company. The LWHS boosters will pass along the fund to the Theatre Booster Club.