Please read this first!
Submit your Bios as soon as possible.
Headshots: Don't submit your headshot. We will arrange for them to be taken.
Bios should be approximately 4-5 sentences long, about 400 characters.
The body should be written in the third party (he/she/they, his/her/theirs).
Watch your pronouns. They will appear in the program as submitted.
First Name first, then Last Name.
In parentheses, include your role and understudy role if you have one, i.e. Sara Durham (Mrs. Potts, U/S Belle).
For privacy and safety reasons, don't include grade and/or age.
Shows you have been in are to be typed in italics i.e. Les Misérables.
We may edit your bio for correct length and/or appropriate language.
Bios are submitted through the electronically link below.
Sample Bios (These are just samples - do not make yours just like these, or they all look/sound the same.)
Sara Durham (Mrs. Potts u/s Belle). Sara is very excited to be a part of the fall production. Her list of stage successes includes The Music Man, Singing in the Rain, Our Town, and Seussical: The Musical. She is also a member of Thespians. Aside from performing, Sara also likes to travel, write, and be with friends. She would like to dedicate her performance to her Family and her fellow Castle Cast!
Daniel Jepson (Villager, u/s Cogsworth). Daniel is greatly anticipating this year’s first production. They enjoys every aspect of the theater, from being on stage to running sound! They has been in productions ranging from Our Town to Singin’ in the Rain and looks forward to another great year of drama. Daniel wants to thank their parents, Peter, Kristen's mom for driving them home from rehearsals and Ms. Heetbrink for this opportunity.
If this is your first show or you do not have much theatrical experience that is okay. Let people know it is your debut on stage. Let them know what you like to do outside the theater or how you came to be involved in the theater. Thank those that encouraged you to try the theater, or helped you prepare for your audition. If you have taken voice, dance or acting lessons, feel free to include that.
If you have a long list of shows that you were in, you will need to pick the most meaningful ones or the most significant roles that you have had.
Be personable, and remember that you are sharing yourself with the audience in your bio. You are representing not only yourself, but also your family, the Drama department, Lake Washington High School, and perhaps even present yourself to a college admission counsellor.